Strategic integration with Linarand in Mexico Ammeraal Beltech brand bars


Ammeraal Beltech announces that Ammeraal Beltech and Linarand, a longstanding and loyal
distribution partner, have decided on a further integration of their business interests. Linarand covers all Mexico, and has been servicing the belting industry for over 32 years.

This increased collaboration will help strengthen Ammeraal Beltech’s position in the Mexican market and Linarand’s customers will benefit from a wider product portfolio. As well, our common goal is to improve our service offering even more and to increase our attention into key focus Industries with our Industry Segment Management strategy.

This increased collaboration will result in the creation of a new entity, Linarand Beltech, S.A. de
C.V, which will be part of AMMEGA Americas.

Please join us in warmly welcoming Linarand Beltech, S.A. de C.V, into the AMMEGA family.