ZipLock range extension Ammeraal Beltech brand bars

ZipLock offers an ideal solution for situations where minimizing belt replacement time is crucial, such as in airports and distribution centers, but also tire, corrugated board production, recycling plants.

Specifically designed for use in hard-to-reach areas, ZipLock eliminates the need for traditional mechanical belt fasteners, whether metal or plastic. These conventional fasteners can often introduce issues like noise, irregular belt movement, and potential damage to the belt load.

To ensure we provide the best solution portfolio, we are extending the range to now include a thinner Ziplock. The needs of the paper and logistics industries call for thinner, 2.3 mm belts, particularly for belt fastening applications and for endlessing the belt without the press. While it was previously not possible with the medium loop spiral fabric, which has a thickness 2.4 mm, now it is possible.

The new 589365 Flexam Ziplock type features small loop spiral fabric is just 1.8 mm thick, leading to increased ease of replacement and installation, as well as better cost-efficiency.

Choose Ziplock for easy belt installation and repairs!