Hlavná aplikácia pásov Ultrascreen spoločnosti Ammeraal Beltech je odvodnenie a sušenie umytej čerstvej rezanej zeleniny. Rôzne veľkosti ôk materiálu umožňujú perfektné riešenie pre každú veľkosť produktu. Výsledkom je najvyšší možný výrobný výkon.
Pásy Ultrascreen sa používajú aj pri chladiacich procesoch, recyklácii použitej vody na umývanie, ošetrovaní odpadových vôd, filtrácii.
*V závislosti od veľkosti siete
*V závislosti od veľkosti siete
*V závislosti od veľkosti siete
*V závislosti od veľkosti siete
Ultrascreen PRO comes with a variety of different teeth and sprocket styles to fit your application. The positive drive system has the following benefits:
The Ultrascreen PRO belts can be installed on new positive drive conveyors or as retrofits on friction-driven conveyors.
Ultrascreen PRO comes with a variety of different teeth and sprocket styles to fit your application. The positive drive system has the following benefits:
The Ultrascreen PRO belts can be installed on new positive drive conveyors or as retrofits on friction-driven conveyors.
Ultrascreen PRO comes with a variety of different teeth and sprocket styles to fit your application. The positive drive system has the following benefits:
The Ultrascreen PRO belts can be installed on new positive drive conveyors or as retrofits on friction-driven conveyors.
Every segment of the Food Industry runs the risk of foreign body contamination, with heavy consequences that include everything from disruptive claims affecting the brand reputation, all the way to very expensive product recalls. For those reasons, we have the Ultrascreen XMD edges available. The edges are X-ray and metal-detectable. Should the edges or cleats pollute your product, it will be picked up by your metal detector.
*Depending on mesh size
Every segment of the Food Industry runs the risk of foreign body contamination, with heavy consequences that include everything from disruptive claims affecting the brand reputation, all the way to very expensive product recalls. For those reasons, we have the Ultrascreen XMD edges available. The edges are X-ray and metal-detectable. Should the edges or cleats pollute your product, it will be picked up by your metal detector.
*Depending on mesh size
Every segment of the Food Industry runs the risk of foreign body contamination, with heavy consequences that include everything from disruptive claims affecting the brand reputation, all the way to very expensive product recalls. For those reasons, we have the Ultrascreen XMD edges available. The edges are X-ray and metal-detectable. Should the edges or cleats pollute your product, it will be picked up by your metal detector.
*Depending on mesh size
*Obráťte sa na miestneho odborníka spoločnosti Ammeraal Beltech, aby vám určil najvhodnejší typ pásu, farbu a materiál podľa vašich špecifických požiadaviek a dostupnosti miestnych zásob.